Dr Alastair Leake, Chairman of the English Panel welcomed those receiving Awards, their families and members of the organisation to our 2017 Presentation of Awards. He thanked our host Baroness Hazel Byford and introduced Rosie Carne- Chairman of CARAS.
Rosie explained that the Awards Scheme had been launched in 1970 and is administered by the Council for Awards known as (CARAS) which consists of representatives of the participating four Royal Agricultural Societies of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. She explained The Council is supported by a National Panel from each of the four nations of the UK who are represented on the Moderators Panel.
She remained the assembled company that the Awards to be presented are for personal achievement following peer recognition of each individual recipients’ outstanding contribution to agricultural progress within the UK. A Fellowship or Associateship of Royal Agricultural Societies is a prestigious honour: recognition of the outstanding contribution – by an individual – to the understanding, efficiency and well-being of UK agriculture
Associateship (ARAgS) is recognition of significant contribution to the agricultural and land-based industries of the UK. It is awarded to those who can demonstrate the required high level of achievement required. Candidates do not apply but are invited to do so by Panels appointed within each of the four UK nations, having been nominated by two existing Fellows as sponsors to vouch for their outstanding work.
The Awards embrace practical farming and the development of new husbandry practices, research, technology, economics, education, farming care, communication and administration.
Fellowship (FRAgS) is the senior Award of the Council. Associates are only considered for advancement to Fellowship if they have demonstrated a continuing significant contribution to agricultural and rural progress in the UK.
Advancement is by no means automatic and many people remain as Associates.
Professor Malcolm Stansfield- Hon Secretary to the English Panel and member of the Moderators Panel read a short citation about each recipient before the Awards certificates were presented to the following:
New Associates (ARAgS): Tony Bambrige, Judy Bell, Richard Betton, Richard Calver, Belinder Clark, Peter Cornish, Richard Elliot, Fiona Fell, Jeremy Finnis, Clare Greener, Peter Gregory , Ian Ohnstadt, Nigel Pulling, Humphrey Salway, Philip Stocker, Peter Wastenage, Diana Wastenage.

Husband and wife Diana and Peter Wastenage presented with their ARAgS certificates by CARAS Chairman Rosie Carne
New Fellows (FRAgS): Helen Bower, Andrew Brown, David Cotton, Meredydd David, Sarah Dunning, Tony Garnett, Peter Gott, Robin Hancox, Stephen Harris, Andrew May, Graham Ward, Nicholas Watts.

New Fellow David Cotton presented with his FRAgS certificate by CARAS Chairman Rosie Carne
2 new Fellows from Cumbria: CARAS Chairman Rosie Carne with new Fellows Peter Gott and Sarah Dunning with long-time Fellows Olive Clarke, John Geldart and John Dunning (Sarah’s father).