The Fellowship Of Royal Agricultural Societies Coordinated by:

Caroline Drummond MBE, FRAgS has very Sadly Passed Away

Caroline Drummond MBE, FRAgS, Hon DSc, NSch, HonFSE, FIAgM, FRSA, FSB, CEnv, BSc (Hons) Agric

It is with great sadness that we have learnt the sad news that Caroline passed away on Monday 23rd May 2022 after a short illness.

Caroline was the cornerstone of LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) being its Chief Executive and did a huge amount to promote farming through the activities of LEAF, including through the hugely successful annual Open Farm Sunday event.

LEAF chairman Philip Wynn has said: “Caroline was an inspiration, and it is her passion, determination, foresight and energy that has transformed LEAF from its small beginnings 30 years ago to the globally recognised and respected organisation it is today”.